MDJ Cordova One

MDJ Cordova One

Monday, 6 June 2016

Finally Registered.....Settlement Next!!

After 3 weeks of patiently waiting for the land to be registered, I received a phone call on Monday 30th May 2016 from LendLease to let me know that my land was finally registered!

I then received this letter by email the following day:

Whilst I was over the moon for the land to finally be registered, I found it extremely disappointing that LendLease think we should be settling on the land whilst it is still a construction site and has no unimpeded access.

I went out last Friday and finally got to stand on my block, however, what LendLease's letter doesn't tell you is that you have to wear PPE (hi vis and hard hat) on site and be escorted around unless you have a 'white card'.

All that said, the JK Williams guys on site (LendLease's civil contractor) were great to deal with and more than happy to escort you around, you really couldn't ask for more helpful people!  From chatting with them it gave me a lot more confidence that they would actually meet their stated deadline for opening the road...

On the finance note, once the new title details were provided to CBA they were quick to finalise my loan contract and are ready to settle as soon as we get a settlement date and time.   The team at Choice Home Loans in Wollongong have been great at pushing the loan through (as well as answering all of my questions) and hopefully the rest of the process is just as smooth with CBA!

So for now I'm just finalising my landscape plan and waiting for settlement so that my soil tests and surveys can get done!

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